The Art of Setting Goals

Lauren Barrett Writes
8 min readApr 5, 2021


January is days from ending and already the glitz and glam from that ball-dropping, party hats wearing, confetti throwing day of the year is fading from your mind like one of my husband’s haircuts (that he gets every week FYI).

“#NewYearNewMe?” “What? I never said that. I don’t know who that girl is, but she certainly isn’t me.” Statistically, 80% of people have already given up on their resolutions by February and the binge-watching, wine-sipping, chocolate eating days are dominating the Pre-Valentine’s Day I’m Single day blues.

I get it. I am in a rut too. Back in early 2017, I was motivated like no one’s business.

  • Goal 1: Run a half marathon. Trained for and ran by March. Check
  • Goal 2: Read 15 books. Umm try 32. Check.
  • Goal 3: Write 4 blogs. Puhlease. Child’s play. I started this Hubpage and ended up with over 10. Check.
  • Goal 4: Read the Daily Catholic Readings. And checkmate.

Now, flash forward to present time, and I have had the stomach bug, more stomach pains, the flu, a cold,Thyroid issues, and some stress. Needless to say, I am not feeling so Chris Traeger at the moment. But, you do not need to shrug your shoulders and say, “Oh well, I gave it a good run. 2019 will definitely be my year. I can feel it.” Instead, you can follow some of these tips and get back in the game.

